How Should You Use Cat Treats?
If you’re wondering whether you ought to buy your cat some treats, whether you’re using them correctly or just what they’re for in general, you’ve come to the right place. As the experts in irresistible things for cats, we can help you get the most out of those powerful pouches.
Anyone who’s owned a cat knows that food is the surest path to their heart. Pouring their daily meals into their bowl already grants you celebrity status, but bringing home a bag full of satisfyingly crunchy and soft TEMPTATIONS™ Cat Treats puts you on another level. Just shaking the bag tells you all you need to know. After just a few treats, that sound will bring them running faster than a squirrel to a bird feeder.
Fewer than half of cat owners give their cats treats regularly, which means they could be missing out on prime bonding opportunities. We recommend keeping a bag or two on hand at all times to reward your kitty’s best behavior. Most of our flavors have fewer than two calories per treat, so there’s really no such thing as treating your cat too well.
Yep, you read that right. Dogs get all the credit for learning new tricks, but training your cat is totally possible. In general, rewarding your cat’s behavior with treats and affection reinforces their most recent behavior. Whether you’re trying to get them to come in from outside or stay off a piece of furniture, consistent rewards can go a long way. Don’t forget, most of the time all it takes is a shake of the TEMPTATIONS™ Cat Treats package for your kitty to come running.
Here’s one more tip for training your cat:. Your feline buddy is great at remembering and responding to sound cues. By clicking your tongue or using another consistent sound right before you give your cat a treat, you can signal to your cat that you want their attention. Just like shaking the treat pack, owners use this trick to make their cats come to them on command.
Treats are the absolute best for special occasions. Is it your cat’s birthday? Treat time! Want to make your cat feel more like a member of the family during the holidays? Treat time! Did you make it to the vet and back without anyone getting overly huffy? Treat time! Little celebrations like these are part of what makes owning a pet so enjoyable.
Don’t tell your cat, but you don’t really need a reason to give them treats. It’s OK to look at those pointy ears or slow-blinking eyes and feel the need to show your affection. Plus, cats naturally love variety. That’s why TEMPTATIONS™ Cat Treats come in more than 15 different flavors. Give your cat a variety of treats to find out what they love the most. Your cat will thank you. Well … they’ll sit on you. That’s sort of like being thanked.